Wednesday 13 November 2013

Music magazine analysis contents page (KERRANG)

This contents page is one from 'KERRANG' magazine, this is set out very well giving off the page in two different sections, the top half is the main image with the masthead and the bottom is used for information about the magazine and what will be inside. the colors which have been used for this magazine is mainly black, white and yellow, the main use of black seems to give off that this magazine is mainly a rock genre and that it is going to be more powerful and dark music. the main image which can be seen is a man playing the guitar with his band mates, this could be a way for them to get some publicity for there band and maybe grow there fan base. the main masthead is only telling you the number issue of the edition which could be key for collector items and could mean that more people want to get it for the sale value in the future. in the bottom section is has an entire section of different parts which are going to be within this magazine, for example it is giving of a small title and saying what pages these can be found on, it says that there is 'feedback, news and features' these all show that they are finding new ways for people to get in contact with them and to help them improve there overall design on the pages with the feedback and how to improve what they are doing with the magazine, this is set out well as it shows you an easy way to get to separate pages and to what interests them the most about the magazines. there are a few sub images, there is one of a man in a chair which seems to be very reckless almost as if he doesn't care for rules which gives off the main genre of what rock music is about. in the bottom right hand corner is a pug which is giving away a reduced price on the magazines editions if you are to pay for a separate time length then you will be getting a profit to yourself which could interest more people as they feel they are gaining money and still getting the magazine at a different price.

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