Thursday 28 November 2013

Questionnaire results analyse

The results i have gained from my questionnaire is that the majority of people who i have interviewed were mainly into a 'Rock/indie' genre of music, It was a 30% indie and 70% rock, despite the other choices these were the only two which were chose from the people. The people of which i have interviewed was both equally male and female, i surveyed five male and five female and all were around the same age group but within the '13 - 20' age grouping from my questionnaire. This is significant as it shows what the current youth listen too, the youth is a very large audience to gain, so if i was to follow the music genre which they preferred i believe it will gain more of a following. When i was to ask my group of people whether they was to perchance any magazines, i had 40% no and i had a 60% of yes, these magazines varied from 'Q/Kerrang/Mojo' These magazines tend to have a specific genre and i believe that this also is interlinked with the genre of music of which they have said they preferred. When i was to ask whether they would prefer to buy a monthly or weekly magazine, the results i got was that people would prefer to see a weekly magazine with 70% saying this and only 30% would rather have a monthly magazine. This gives me a better option of going for a weekly magazine for my final music magazine. When i was to ask if they was active on the internet with music magazines i had 90% say yes they have looked up information in a magazine to find out information about bands and gigs etc, this shows that today the internet is a powerful tool as more people have used to internet to use magazines than buying a copy from a store. On questioning on how much people would pay for a music magazine, there was a few which varied within the answers. I had 30% say that a reasonable price for a music magazine is '£1.76 - £2.50' i then had 50% say that '£2.50 -£3.00' is a reasonable price, this got the most votes in this questionnaire so when i am going to look into developing my music magazine i am going to try and make the price range in between this total.  When asking my audience what information they would like to know about the band, i got a mix of responses. I had 30% of people say they would like to know about tour dates and information about the tours, 20% said they would like to see interviews with the band and another 10% said they would like to see question and answers with the band. The most with 40% was people would like to know about personal information about the band, this is important for people to know as if they are following a band which is giving off a bad message to its fans and treat them wrong, people deserve to know, it also will inform you of lifestyle and background whether they had quite a tough life and were brought up in a hard world and music was an escape for them. I feel that in my music magazine i am going to have to choose two of these because they are almost equal and serve the same responsibility as it is getting the band out there and showing them off in a nice way to create a larger audience. When i asked what main image they would like to see, whether it a is male band etc. I got that people would like to mainly see either a mixed band with both female and male or would like too see a full male band, they both equally had 40% towards each other so i am going to have to choose between one or the other or i could take an extra survey and find out whether the public would rather see mixed or male. When i was asking what masthead people would like to see on a new upcoming music magazine, i had an a clear favorite vote of 50% going with 'InSync' but i also had another with 30% which was 'Music Melody' I think i will run a few more questionnaires as i feel that this is close between these too and to gain a better understanding off more people will give me more reliable results.
I am going to gain a few more sets off data before i am going to fully conclude on my analyse as i feel that some things need more results as it is not clear enough whether people would want one thing or the other.

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