Tuesday 19 November 2013

Music magazine article (KERRANG! x2)

This is a double page spread for the music magazine 'KERRANG!'. I think that this is set out very well and looks quite attractive with the colors scheme. The colors which are mainly used are red, white and black. These colors are normally found within magazines as they are soft to the eye so are easy to read and gives an attractive look to the magazine, it also gives a setting to the page with the use of the colors too, the main use of black and white could show that it is mainly rocky and darker music. The main image is of a band which is seen to be looking quite aggressive or quite serious, they look like they seem to be quite a rock/punk type of band with the clothing and color of there hair which is often associated with that type of music. I would say that the main audience of this magazine would be pro-dominantly male as the colors, the genre which it is aiming at tends to be a more male dominated scene. The picture is often men in the main image as they tend to be the type of artists which break through in this type of music industry. The main coverline is well placed as it is easily seen by the audience and is attractive and stands out in color, the font could be changed as i feel that it is a bit plane and shows a lack of creativity. The cell lines which are in place are very well set out and the colors which have been used the white on black is very effective as it makes the writing stand out and seem important. they are set in a nice spot as it gives a nice set to the hole two page spread as it is very concentrated on the one side of the page giving it a sense of cleanliness, this is good for a magazine as it will attract more people for the look and feel of the magazine which they are purchasing. There is no sub image on this double page spread as there is no other key information which is drawn to need to show another picture of type of band/concert which they could be playing at. It tells you information about the next kerrang magazine and tells you the information can be found further within the book, this is good because it encourages the reader to keep reading to find this information and keep the purchasing if they have enjoyed what they have read.

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