Wednesday 13 November 2013

music magazine analysis contents page (NME)

You can see from this music magazine of 'NME' that it is set out a good content page of the magazine giving it an easy layout to understand. The colors which are apparent are mainly black, red and white. These colors seem to give of quite a powerful maybe rocky genre of the magazine and could show of that it is mainly aimed at the male production as it seems stronger and more male orientated with the way that the text speaks. the main image of this page is a hall which is going to be used for a gig and this could be a way to get more publicity for there band and could create more of a crowd for them. the layout of this is set out very well. you can see down the right hand side of the page shows what is going to be within this edition as it tells you the news, reviews, live things going on and extra features available inside. there is a pug on the bottom of the page giving them a discount on the magazine for any other copy's which could interests people as they could be saving money in the long run of the magazines life. Down the left hand side of the page is an list of what bands are going to be in the magazine telling you which page they are on, this is important as people may have to be looking quickly for a separate band and now they can easily find it so that is a good way of keeping people happy. The masthead of the page is giving you a brief description of what is going to be within this edition of the magazine which is good because it will keep people on a set location and know what to expect when reading through the magazine.

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