Wednesday 13 November 2013

Music magazine analysis cover (NME x2)

This cover of 'NME' has a main image of a man stood smoking in quite an eerie atmosphere, the image has been put into black and white to help create this effect of the reader, could signalizing that this magazine is more of a dark and depressing nature and is going to take you on a journey into someone else's shoes. The main colors which you can seen on this cover are red, black and white. These all create a different effect on the onlooker of the magazine, the colors help create the mood of it being quite dark but the lightness of the white also shows that there could be a sign on light and things will be okay. There is one sub image on this page and that is of what seems to be a type of script which maybe has the writing or songs of a band or the person from the main image, this is then followed by some text saying 'interviews with the band' this shows that the image is giving off a look on a band is showing us that they are trying to get themselves known within this type of genre which they have been given off on the cover. The masthead of this magazine is showing off that this is a special type of magazine as it is a 'Anniversary special' this implies that this type of magazine has been a long running thing and has been very successful with it and the way that it looks. I quite like the layout of this magazine as it is easily understandable and makes the key parts of the cover stand out like the main images and the main sell lines. 

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