Tuesday 19 November 2013

Music magazine article (Q)

This is a single page article from 'Q' magazine, This article is a little basic but is simply read and has a clean layout so is nice overall. The main image is of what is a band and they seem to be standing looking quite aggressive almost trying to intimidate, the use of there clothing such as leather coats, glasses shows of a sense of quite rocky presence as if they are hiding there identity with the glasses but showing they mean business when it comes down to it with the coats.you can see also from the peoples hairstyles that they would not be an everyday typical pop band as they do not looked dress or represented that way, they seem to be quite punk/rock orientated. The main cover line of this is showing the band off and trying to gain the band some publicity, this is an effective way of getting your name around as it shows you off for all that you are and what you show as a band. There is a masthead which is very basic showing off the magazines name and says 'Now' this could show that this band is doing well and they are in at the moment and this is the most important news, is what the people want to know off and what is happening with them. There is no sub image on this page. I like the layout of the cells on this page as it may be very basic it is also easy to understand, people could find this attractive as it looks very clean, meaning people may find that it looks more mature so will have better content to it. The colors which are used in this article seem to be red, white and black. These colors seem to feature within most music magazines and seem to attract a better audience as it is attractive and gives of a nice look to the page, it is soft to the eye so it doesn't stand out to much and is a nice shade so is easy to read. 

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