Saturday 3 May 2014

Question two

The magazine which I have created represents what people often wall ‘hipster’ these types of people will search for unknown bands and try to stay out of the line of mainstream music, the types of music they mainly listen to is punk rock/indie so I feel I am aiming directly towards them. The way that I found it easy to direct them with was the pictures used, the costume is often linked to what they would wear, black clothing or denim jackets, suits with a urban edge to them , so this would reach out to them as they may be able to see what they are wearing and relate to it and would be more interested than most people of what they perform as they have the same dress sense as them so would cause a higher interest than most people who would look at the magazine. The pose on my front cover has a dark edge to it which may attract them as from what I have researched they are interested into the darker side of music and this gives of a sense of dark inside to a band member, the contents page has a more relaxed feel and the images which are apparent match this, the image on my article is also possibly what they would see as appealing. The pose of the images are very serious which I feel gives an interesting feel to the pages as they would be intrigued by this, the body language also has this effect. The type of writing which would appeal to them is quite a formal language, they are a very serious set of people as they like to learn and find out more information about a subject about something they like etc. a certain band. 

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