Saturday 3 May 2014

Question six

When I have been working with different software on the computer to help me edit things for my pages and how to edit images. I have also had to use online sources and help bring them onto my blog page so it is visible. This shows a wide variation of ways of using the blog account to my advantage making it took more attractive.
The main things which I have used to create my pages and design my blog were…
·         InDesign
·         Photoshop
·         Digital camera
·         Blogger
·         PowerPoint/Slideshare
When working on indesign for my magazine I had to use different techniques of using this, like when I was working for my article I had to change the page layout of the software so I could fit two pages onto the screen to make them work together and have a nice clean look to them, I also had to work with layers on all images and text to make the be in different areas over each other, this makes it easier because you can arrange all the types of things available on the page and can arrange the easily. I also had to make certain things when working with the article like a ‘drop capital and pull quotes’ a drop capital works by highlighting the letter selected, click onto paragraph palette and then choose how many lines you want the capital to drop whether it is three or four, you then press enter to return to the page and you can change front and color from there.
When working in Photoshop you had to get used to how you can change things and how to remove effects on a picture you may not like, you work in layers just like InDesign so they are quite similar in that context. You have a wide range of effects to use and can crop pictures to fit the size you want, change shading etc. I enjoyed working with Photoshop as I was already familiar with the software and knew how to use it.
When using the digital camera I was already very familiar with using one of these as I have used them within other subjects I have done, I used them in ICT and I have used them for person usage. When taking a picture it was thinking of an angle to use the camera or the back grounding so it wasn’t as straight forward as a simple snap thought had to go into them, when putting a picture onto the computer you had to use a cord to connect to the computer and transfer the pictures across to your area. You could the edit these in Photoshop or from adobe-bridge you could send the image onto your InDesign page.
When I was using blogger at first I found the layout a bit weird but it is very easy to adapt too as the size and layout becomes a lot more easy to understand over time, when you are creating a post you have to edit one together and you can either save it as a draft or as a post which will be sent onto your blog, this made it easy to upload work when it’s completed or when you feel work needs to be improved.

I have had to use PowerPoint on my blog as it has made it easier to show a clear image of what I have done as I can use easy signals from each slide of what im looking at rather than a basic show and tell layout. 

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