Saturday 3 May 2014

Question four

The reader of my magazine would be mainly aimed towards 16+ as it is more directed for new music, the younger generations tend to want to explore with music and within the magazine they are able to find new bands they may not have heard of before and gain a fond liking to them, I would say I have a mixture of male and female readers towards the magazines which I have created. I would say it would be very equal balanced with the genders as I have not directed for one certain gender as I wanted to reach out to a larger target audience.  I created a mood board:
it represented how things could look and what my target audience would be interested too and how I could adapt though things into my music magazine to create a wider range of an audience. When I did my questionnaire I found out information about what people would like to see and how they would like to see it shown on a page. The audience which I am aiming for said they would mainly like to see male artists on the images or a mix band of male and female, I have took this information and put it together on my page using a male band and one mix band to create an accurate balance of what my audience wants. I feel listening to information from audience was important and to frequently check-up whether the audience I was aiming for found the images and the look of magazine was appropriate to the audience just in case it was not accurate. I did this until I felt it was a good finished product and would aim at the audience well which is people ages from 16+ and any gender.

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