Saturday 3 May 2014

Question five

I have attracted my target audience by including many things on the front cover and contents page which are directed to the audience of my choice. I have added band names which are popular to the youth and those knowing exclusive information about them would interest them into purchasing the magazine which I have created. I have also used a set color scheme, I chosen punk rock/indie feel so I think from the cover with the use of black and white image gives of an interesting feel maybe a dark inside on something and gives a nice look to it, the color scheme with words makes it stand out to the eye so it would also attract them with it sticking out to them. The way that I have laid out my contents page is very attractive to my set audience, with its easy to read layout and use of pictures of those who could be within a band or a solo artist gives a good feel to the magazine, the colors which I have used I feel work very well to create a nice feel to the magazine so the audience will enjoy that it makes them look like they are going into a professional look to it. I have used a certain text which I feel is attractive to read as it is not to fancy or boring so the person reading will be more interested in something with a creative font rather than a boring font. On my article I have used a very clean layout with very organised layout with the main image on the one side of the page which is showing a urban back grounding with I have moved also onto the back of the page with writing on, I feel this will appeal to the audience as it is attractive and gives it a nice feel to it. I have used appropriate pull quotes to interest the reader such as information about new albums being realised which when I researched was a big thing for most readers as they are interested in touring and what they want to see within an interview form. The picture has a very punk/indie feel to it with the punk type of background and the suits gives them the touch of class which some say is a indie type of formal wear but with a touch of urban feel to it so I thought this image would reach out towards the target audience very well. The mode of address I have used is quite formal and appropriate for the situation as it is a serious interview so the speech had to be very serious, I feel that this was important for this type of interview as the audience will want to gain as much information about a band which they like so this would attract them as they know it will be a very reliable source for extra exclusive information they may not have knew about.

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