Thursday 1 May 2014

Front cover Progress and finish copy

This is my first design for my front cover, i have a clear set out layout in my head and how it is going to look, i am going to try and work more on this when i gain access to my image when it has been taken i will work around it more cleanly and change movements of text to fit the page, i will also make the masthead bigger to make it more attractive and the logo more visible.

This is my second drafted version of my front cover, this shows how i have made changes and have added my main image and a subsidary image, to the image i have added greyscale so that the image looks more attractive for the audience as it sets the feel, i have created a much cleaner look to the page and im still looking in change a few things before i finish like placing of text and placing of sub image, i am also going to change the size of the logo and masthead again, im also going to work with colour changes to make it look more attractive and appealing.
This is my final copy of my magazine, i have increased the size of some writing and been careful about spacial awareness with text and the sub image. I feel this is a good finished magazine and has a clean look to it.

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