Wednesday 18 December 2013

Picture Ideas (cover)

This is one of my favorite picture ideas, this is an image which i once saw in 'Kerrang!' the band is called 'A Day To Remember' They are quite a heavy rock band but i really liked how the image looks, the scenary in the background and the way the light shines through gives a ncie effect. I feel i could easily complete this task as i could make the background something mountainous as i live in an area surrounded by mountains, I also have a few people that i know which would suit this type of style of picture and that they would suit the style and genre of my magazine which i want to create.

This is the same band but in a different environment, i feel that this picture works really well as it is quite tight together and could be easily taken. I like the editing which has been done to this, the image in the centre has been brightened to create a more pleasent look over the band, it has a dark scenary within the background which then makes them stand out even more and makes the whole image of the band more attractive. I feel i could take this picture very easily as i have the correct environment very near to me with the dark background and i have the right people i feel to recreate this image for my magazine.
Here i have an image of a mixed band, this band is named 'Paramore' they are genre specific to soft rock/punk. I think that this image looks very professional, i think this is a good image as it could be easy to recreate as it is very basic but shows the band off well so is fully effective, i like the image as it has the same genre aim as my magazine and this one seems to be effective so i feel that this could work well with my magazine. I feel that i could create this image well as i have people which would suit this type of image and i feel it would be very effective.

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