Wednesday 16 October 2013

School Cover

This is my final draft of my front cover of my school magazine, i have chose to stick with my first layout of my first draft and to have the same ideas with pictures having the same look and design as i did on the paper. The only thing which i have changed is that i have not got a kid in school uniform on my front cover as i felt that the pictures which i had taken was not fit for my cover well and the one which i took looked more professional and gave it a cleener look to it.

This is my main image, I have chosen a picture of a six form within the school, i had origonally chosen to have a school child for my front cover but i felt that the image of the six form gave a more professional look as he is in a quite laid back clothing. I have added a few effects on this picture, I have chosen to get rid of the background and i have added a slight brightening and contrast which then gave a nicer look on his face and made it stand out more and give an appealing look to the eye.

This is my sub image of the school which i have added to show off the new look on the school with the lifts which have been added, i feel this shows a good view of the lifts and gives you an impression of how it will look if added anywhere else around the school.

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