Wednesday 16 October 2013

School Cover

This is my final draft of my front cover of my school magazine, i have chose to stick with my first layout of my first draft and to have the same ideas with pictures having the same look and design as i did on the paper. The only thing which i have changed is that i have not got a kid in school uniform on my front cover as i felt that the pictures which i had taken was not fit for my cover well and the one which i took looked more professional and gave it a cleener look to it.

This is my main image, I have chosen a picture of a six form within the school, i had origonally chosen to have a school child for my front cover but i felt that the image of the six form gave a more professional look as he is in a quite laid back clothing. I have added a few effects on this picture, I have chosen to get rid of the background and i have added a slight brightening and contrast which then gave a nicer look on his face and made it stand out more and give an appealing look to the eye.

This is my sub image of the school which i have added to show off the new look on the school with the lifts which have been added, i feel this shows a good view of the lifts and gives you an impression of how it will look if added anywhere else around the school.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

First draft on my school magazine

First draft on my school magazine.
This is my full design of my school magazine, I have set it out this way because I thought it was very pleasing to the eye and is a easy format for people to understand and get information off quickly. I have used five cells on my front cover all covering different aspects of what would be inside, along side one of my cells I have a subliminal image to support this cell and give more information about what is inside. I have a main imagine, a header, one pug, a foot line, a masthead giving you the name of the magazine, a label.

The main image which I have chosen is a school child with a next type of uniform which has been issues, it shows a shoulder view of him showing the new shirt and jumper. This gives off a nice look of the uniform and could have students and parents interested about the new uniform and how it is effecting the look of their kid and how he looks whether he is looking sharp or quite scruffy.

for my masthead for my magazine is named KHSLarge, the reasoning for this is that it stands out quite well, I have made the writing quite bold so that it stands out from the other text and looks pleasing to the eye which could draw attention and profit to it if it was going to be sold. 

this is my subsidary image, i have chosen to have an image of the front of a school showing off new renervasions which have been made to the front, i have done the picture this size to show its important to the magazine. i have put it quite high on the magazine because it might give of interests when people look at the front cover and see a new uptech school.

I have got a pug to interests more people towards the magazine as its shows a give away and it will be free to enter and could give your magazine more publicity. 

Here I have a cell which helps the main image talking about the look of the new uniform and gives you direction to where you want to go for extra information on this matter. I have put a red outline on this cell as it gives it a bit of a more importance as it stands out so makes you want to read it and gives off a good image to the reader

my foot line, i have chosen this because i feel it gives a good insight of what will be on the inside of the magazine and shows what kind of things will be inside. I have chosen this set up as it gives a more professional approach to the page and sets out a nice and good looking cover. I have used the color yellow as it stands out well so could bring encourage more people to read/look at the magazine. 

This is my headline which shows a brief show of what you can expect on the inside. I have set it up to stand out from the main cells and images down the center of the page as it is a bright color and will stand out to the eye.

this is another cell which gives you an insight of what stories you may find within the inside, I have chosen to style it around the top of the image as it is quite an important matter so would be seen easily and would catch the viewers eye more than the others as its one of the first you will look at.

This is a label which shows that the magazine would have been priced and I have chosen to put this on as it shows a sense of professionalism.